Saturday, April 22, 2017


I learned a new drinking game today. Not that I know many of them... Ben and I were sitting at the university cafeteria having lunch when we noticed a group of students below on the campus plaza.

This game is called Flankyball. At first, the set-up kind of reminded me of 6-pins in elementary gym class. The goal of the game is to have all your teammates finish all of their beer before the other team does. Someone from team A throws a ball at the plastic bottle(s) in the middle. If they hit the bottle(s), then the each group member starts drinking their own bottle of beer until team B grabs the ball, sets up the bottle(s) in the middle again and runs back to their spot. I am told this is more common among the younger generation. Ben thought it was only slightly strange that they were playing this on campus. :-P

And our lunch from the cafeteria. Sweet potato
chickpea curry. A little bland.

And I also experienced my first time grocery shopping solo. This is the grocery store near our apartment. Notice the group of people standing to cross the street? This is another cultural norm that I am trying to get used to. I had heard that Germans are law-abiding citizens and no pedestrian would dare cross the street on a red light, even if the street is completely empty. This makes me laugh because it's true to a certain extent. It's not so much that Germans are abiding by the law in these cases as they are abiding by social pressure. Everyone will wait for the light to turn green, that is until someone decides that it's ridiculous and proceeds across the street on a red light :-O This then makes it ok to cross the street because that one person has already broken the unspoken "no J-walking" rule.

I made homemade sweet potato ravioli with a dairy free cream sauce. Check it out. Still getting acquainted with the metric system, so right now I'm just guessing. :-D

I love the view from the tram on my way home from town.

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