Friday, April 21, 2017

Officially Have an Apartment

Snapchat is now one of my favorite apps. Add me if you have one!

Still feeling pretty jet-lagged today. Can't wait until I can sleep all the way through the night. The weather has been wonderful, though slightly cold. Luckily, it has not snowed again since the night of my arrival. I really wasn't prepared for that.

Ben and I walked to the leasing office this morning. Such a beautiful morning! The skies with some clouds and the mountains....I love being able to walk everywhere. Still haven't figured out the tram (trolley), but soon. We, well Ben chatted, with the leasing guy and filled out all the paperwork. We're officially renting an apartment together. So much cheaper than back home. Only a little over 300 Euros with water and electricity included.
The guy's office though...I've never seen an office that clean. It almost felt uncomfortably clean, like I would've been afraid to touch anything. All the papers were piled neatly on the desk. All the binders standing erect on the bookshelf. Even the computer keyboard was completely spotless. I'm a neat freak, but even that was a bit too neat for me. There was no mess and it made the office lack some character.

And of course I have to add pictures of the bakery we stopped by to grab some breakfast. Don't these just look wonderful? No, I did not eat cake for breakfast. I had the boring but more substantial whole wheat rolls (one was pretzel-like and the other was made with potato ^_^) I just have to drool over these. Plus they make for better pictures.

I will try my hand at grocery shopping by myself and making dinner tonight. We'll see how that goes~