Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Friends, Film Festival, Glühwein

Ben and I went to an outdoor film festival last night with a friend of his and his girlfriend. To be honest, I wasn't exactly sure what it was when I agreed to going. However, from the name I did think that it would be indoors in a theater or a classroom. And two, I thought it would just be that: a film festival. Wrong and wrong again.

As you can see, it was outside. It's definitely colder than I was expecting Germany to be at the end of April. We were told that the festival started at 7:30pm but nothing started at 7:30pm. We were a bit late because we had just come from dinner, but there were already a ton of university students standing around socializing.

Oh and drinking beer and Glühwein... That seems to be what started at 7:30pm.

And so we had to get some Glühwein too. Did I mention that I ordered my first thing in German? "vier Glühwein, bitte." :-D

Ben's friend, Michael, and his girlfriend Alessia
I don't think this one needs a caption...
So, the film festival consisted of 1.5 hours of socializing, drinking some Glühwein and hopping around to music that a band was playing on stage, plus about one hour of watching short films on a projected screen. The films were interesting although slightly weird. ("komisch" as I learned). All in all, a fun and interesting night.

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